Friday, May 7, 2010

2 months

It's been quite awhile since my last post, but I've been really busy. Between diapers, feeding, cooking, cleaning and homework and surprised I have time to take a shower the right way. Parenthood is the most exhausting and beautiful assignment God can grant a human being. I'm blessed to have my son in my life. He grows so big every morning I look at him. He's still waking up every 4-5 hours, but I feel wonderful everytime. I'm breastfeeding which, when I share with women, they are surprised. A lot of women can't handle breastfeeding. I find it a true bond. Not only a bond, but it is really the best food for a baby. I think that's why my son is growing even faster. I'm struggling in school a bit, but I'm managing, my social life is a brief halt, and love life, ummm lets just say it's quite not what it used to be. Even with it all handed to me I love being a mom and can't wait to share my first mother's day with my son and my own mother!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Boy

March 6, 2010 8:41 pm 6 lbs 9oz 20"
Jeremiah Daniel Toro was BORN!

He is the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen, maybe I'm just being bias's because he's mine, but he is adorable. I had to get an emergency C-section, VERY SCARY, but he was OK in the end. I love him so much. I used to think, How can people say that they never knew they could love someone so much? Well I now know that feeling. I didn't realize how much I could love another little being until I held him in my arms the first time. Mind you I was a heavily drugged up, from surgery, but as soon as they placed him in my arms I knew I was going to be the best mother any son could have. I love him.

Monday, February 22, 2010


If anyone is interested in AVON, please let me know. My mother also sells AVON online as a representative- Marixa Moreno, IL. She has some pretty amazing offers, and I buy from her all the time, My fiance gets mad at me for it, but I love the products and surprisingly the FASHION as well.

37/38 weeks

My mom threw my a baby shower on the 13th and it was beautiful. I was so excited to walk in and see so many women there. My fiance and two younger cousins were the only males there, but I had a great time. I was really surprised. Anyway, my fiances' mother is throwing me a baby shower this weekend on the 27th and this one I'm nervous about. It's becoming such a huge thing. It's banquet style and all. I just feel so uncomfortable lately. I'm dilated already at 2cm and 80% effaced. I'm moving along. The birth of Jeremiah is approaching fast, but not fast enough. I've been feeling like poop lately. Not only with the pregnancy, but I have such a bad cold. I'm in the 1st stage of labor, but it's not active yet, so it's DRAGGING!!! I think my patience is wearing very thin..... I need to relax a little bit more.

Monday, February 1, 2010

35 Weeks

Today I had a doctors appointment, and it went well. Baby's heart beat sounds stronger then then before, but it's becasue he's big too. I had gone to the hospital on saturday evening becasue I hadn't felt the baby move for a while, and I thought I was having contractions. I'm almost 35 weeks and they said I was fine. They told only reason they said I couldn't feel the baby move, the only reason they can come up with, is that the baby is facing my intestines and since there are no nerve ending around there I couldn't feel him. I wasn't having contractions, so they let me go home. Today at the appointment everything went fine, I go back in two weeks and after that every week. Then they start doing internals. Yay, how exciting. I can not wait until by baby boy is here, though.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wondering.... (actual post from the silly one)

I wonder what my son will look like. Will he have his father's hair, My oval face, His father's athletic legs, My big butt, God I hope not. I'm so excited. I love him so much already. I think he likes music a lot, everytime there's music on he moves around in my belly so much. It's funny. I'm 34 weeks and tired of just being pregnant already.... I want him in my arms already. I know my baby showers are coming up soon, and relly excited for that too. I can't wait until I see what I'm getting. My registry's are long and I know I won't get everything, but I hope I get the most important stuff becasue those are the most expensive things. 8 months and ready, ALREADY!!!

Just thought this would be funny!

I wonder what my son will look like. Will he have his father's hair, My oval face, His father's athletic legs, My big butt, God I hope not. I'm so excited. I love him so much already. I think he likes music a lot, everytime there's music on he moves around in my belly so much. It's funny. I'm 34 weeks and tired of just being pregnant already.... I want him in my arms already. I know my baby showers are coming up soon, and relly excited for that too. I can't wait until I see what I'm getting. My registry's are long and I know I won't get everything, but I hope I get the most important stuff becasue those are the most expensive things. 8 months and ready, ALREADY!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting Better

Well glad to say I feel much better from my last post. That whole situation just upset and no one seemed to relate to me. I must be psychotic or everyone else is not understanding, has to be one of the two.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm tired to being second in command. I'm tired to holding what I have to say back because I don't want to hurt anyones' feelings. I know that the right thing to do is just stay quite, but it's aggravating. Maybe I need more friends who I can lean on. Along with the pregnancy coming to an end, which is stressful enough, I have other issues to deal with. I feel like people don't know when to just not stick there noses in other peoples situations. I'm tired, TIRED ALREADY!!! Maybe I'm just venting and later I'll feel better, but if this feeling hasn't gone away since yesterday and nothing has changed, or no one has made it the situation go away then I don't think I'll feel better later.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Starting School/ Jeremiah

I just started my online courses today. Still don't know how to blog, but learning as I go. I'm currently enrolled in Psychology and Freshman Rhetoric. Almost 33 weeks. Excited for it to be over, can't wait to meet my little baby boy. Haven't written anything here for a while, but hope that today will start my new journey. ; )