Friday, May 7, 2010

2 months

It's been quite awhile since my last post, but I've been really busy. Between diapers, feeding, cooking, cleaning and homework and surprised I have time to take a shower the right way. Parenthood is the most exhausting and beautiful assignment God can grant a human being. I'm blessed to have my son in my life. He grows so big every morning I look at him. He's still waking up every 4-5 hours, but I feel wonderful everytime. I'm breastfeeding which, when I share with women, they are surprised. A lot of women can't handle breastfeeding. I find it a true bond. Not only a bond, but it is really the best food for a baby. I think that's why my son is growing even faster. I'm struggling in school a bit, but I'm managing, my social life is a brief halt, and love life, ummm lets just say it's quite not what it used to be. Even with it all handed to me I love being a mom and can't wait to share my first mother's day with my son and my own mother!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Boy

March 6, 2010 8:41 pm 6 lbs 9oz 20"
Jeremiah Daniel Toro was BORN!

He is the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen, maybe I'm just being bias's because he's mine, but he is adorable. I had to get an emergency C-section, VERY SCARY, but he was OK in the end. I love him so much. I used to think, How can people say that they never knew they could love someone so much? Well I now know that feeling. I didn't realize how much I could love another little being until I held him in my arms the first time. Mind you I was a heavily drugged up, from surgery, but as soon as they placed him in my arms I knew I was going to be the best mother any son could have. I love him.

Monday, February 22, 2010


If anyone is interested in AVON, please let me know. My mother also sells AVON online as a representative- Marixa Moreno, IL. She has some pretty amazing offers, and I buy from her all the time, My fiance gets mad at me for it, but I love the products and surprisingly the FASHION as well.

37/38 weeks

My mom threw my a baby shower on the 13th and it was beautiful. I was so excited to walk in and see so many women there. My fiance and two younger cousins were the only males there, but I had a great time. I was really surprised. Anyway, my fiances' mother is throwing me a baby shower this weekend on the 27th and this one I'm nervous about. It's becoming such a huge thing. It's banquet style and all. I just feel so uncomfortable lately. I'm dilated already at 2cm and 80% effaced. I'm moving along. The birth of Jeremiah is approaching fast, but not fast enough. I've been feeling like poop lately. Not only with the pregnancy, but I have such a bad cold. I'm in the 1st stage of labor, but it's not active yet, so it's DRAGGING!!! I think my patience is wearing very thin..... I need to relax a little bit more.

Monday, February 1, 2010

35 Weeks

Today I had a doctors appointment, and it went well. Baby's heart beat sounds stronger then then before, but it's becasue he's big too. I had gone to the hospital on saturday evening becasue I hadn't felt the baby move for a while, and I thought I was having contractions. I'm almost 35 weeks and they said I was fine. They told only reason they said I couldn't feel the baby move, the only reason they can come up with, is that the baby is facing my intestines and since there are no nerve ending around there I couldn't feel him. I wasn't having contractions, so they let me go home. Today at the appointment everything went fine, I go back in two weeks and after that every week. Then they start doing internals. Yay, how exciting. I can not wait until by baby boy is here, though.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wondering.... (actual post from the silly one)

I wonder what my son will look like. Will he have his father's hair, My oval face, His father's athletic legs, My big butt, God I hope not. I'm so excited. I love him so much already. I think he likes music a lot, everytime there's music on he moves around in my belly so much. It's funny. I'm 34 weeks and tired of just being pregnant already.... I want him in my arms already. I know my baby showers are coming up soon, and relly excited for that too. I can't wait until I see what I'm getting. My registry's are long and I know I won't get everything, but I hope I get the most important stuff becasue those are the most expensive things. 8 months and ready, ALREADY!!!

Just thought this would be funny!

I wonder what my son will look like. Will he have his father's hair, My oval face, His father's athletic legs, My big butt, God I hope not. I'm so excited. I love him so much already. I think he likes music a lot, everytime there's music on he moves around in my belly so much. It's funny. I'm 34 weeks and tired of just being pregnant already.... I want him in my arms already. I know my baby showers are coming up soon, and relly excited for that too. I can't wait until I see what I'm getting. My registry's are long and I know I won't get everything, but I hope I get the most important stuff becasue those are the most expensive things. 8 months and ready, ALREADY!!!